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Responsive And Gentle Strategies
Put very simply, the holistic techniques I use are very gentle and are tailored to your child’s developmental age and personality, as well as your parenting style. We take into account developmental milestones and stages that affect sleep, circadian rhythms, establishing good sleep habits from the start and what you can do to prevent problems occurring.
What I practise is heavily based on scientific evidence and research. I will help you to understand what’s normal and what isn’t, the scientific research behind sleep and identify your priorities based on your parenting ethos.
What’s involved?
I understand that each child is unique, and every family has their own story. So, it’s important that we take the time to build up a full history of your child’s sleep habits and all affecting factors such as feeding, weaning, routines, temperament, health, developmental milestones, siblings and home environment.
In my experience, a one size fits all, quick-fix approach does not work. I believe that a nurturing, loving, flexible plan is the only way of establishing successful and sustainable sleep routines for your child. It’s only by getting to know you and fully understanding your situation, as well as your beliefs and parenting style, that we can create a flexible and bespoke sleep routine that you are comfortable with.
My promise to you
No matter how gentle my techniques may seem, I can’t promise you no crying at all. What I can promise you is that I will work with you to develop a plan that you are comfortable with and can implement with confidence. I will offer you the guidance and support, reassurance and dedication needed to help make it through the
process as smoothly as possible.
The result
With consistency, more established and peaceful sleep routines can be achieved. Most babies I work with are self-settling, napping independently, and are sleeping through the night by the end of the first week. However, some babies may require a more gradual approach, especially if they are still feeding at night or not yet in their own room.

Please book a complimentary consultation with me, I would love to hear from you

A gentle and holistic approach to your child’s sleep may be exactly what's needed. Call me now on
07756 701322
Let's Talk
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