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What is Holistic Sleep Coaching?

What is Holistic Sleep Coaching?

All new mothers will be familiar with the abundance of information, advice and opinion, but what should you listen to? 

How should you approach sleeping with your baby? And what, exactly does your baby need? How can you trust what you find online? What’s accurate and what isn’t? There is so much speculation which quite rightly leaves parents feeling totally confused.

My work as a Holistic Sleep Coach means that my practice is gentle...very gentle, which is intrinsic to parental confidence and mental health. I support my clients by helping them to understand their baby and read cues to be able to provide responsive care. Many parents, when they contact me, are exhausted and full of self-doubt and my passion is to help them through the difficult times, working together to find solutions that they feel comfortable with. The links between sleep and infant feeding, behaviour and parental mental health is fascinating, and my practice incorporates my commitment to prioritise and respect child-parent attachment, optimal nutrition and optimised sleep for all the family. Sleep, or the lack of it, is always addressed from a child-family centered perspective to enable me to provide and implement if required, an appropriate support plan 


Quality sleep is linked to your baby’s emotional and psychological needs. For you, and your baby this might include relationships, feeding, allergies, health, sensory needs and the environment.


A host of different factors impact sleep and think about it - your baby’s brain is also developing and changing - they’ve got a lot going on, and so have you.


Equally, as a baby grows and develops - so does the sleep cycle. It’s no wonder your family may benefit from a sleep coach; someone to gently improve the sleep routine from a scientific and evidence-based standpoint.


A parent-centered approach


Parenting can be hard work - especially if nobody is getting a good night’s sleep.


If you’ve searched ‘sleep training’ you’ve likely been inundated with articles and opinion pieces on sleep...the tips and tricks - quick wins and how-tos. You may have even tried several of them, but do these methods consider you, your parenting ethos, your baby and your individual circumstances?


Taking a holistic approach helps you to pick through the noise to decipher what might work for you as a family, and implement baby steps, literally, to help you find a way out of the haze. 


Unlike other approaches you will take a lead because you will understand what’s normal as I help you through the fog! You will consider the implications, the pros and cons of various techniques considering your baby’s needs at every step.


You won’t be told what to do, instead we’ll discuss the techniques and WHY they work, so you are empowered to make the right decision for your family.


Support for the entire family


Nobody knows your baby better than you, and nobody knows sleep better a sleep coach. Together with my gentle guidance and support, we’ll form a plan around sleep and routine - making small manageable changes to your day and night that will make all the difference.


As a parent, you will naturally want to do the best for your little one, and my knowledge and experience as a Holistic Sleep Coach will empower you, support you and educate you on the many factors of sleep and sleep shaping so your entire family can rest well.


It would be my pleasure to help you get the rest you’re all so desperately craving. My support can be from as little as a phone call where I listen and ensure you feel validated, to a more in-depth consultation where I support you for as long as you need.


I’m flexible and approachable and my solutions are completely tailored to your personal situation.


If you’d like to know more, please contact me to book an initial discovery call for a friendly chat to discuss how best I can help you.

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